5 Steps to Reinforce a Positive Work Culture Amidst Difficult Times

Attitude goes a long way, especially in a work environment where collaboration, projects, deadlines, and differing opinions and personalities, can collide on a daily basis. Some people have a ‘can do’ attitude, always up for the challenge, and finding solutions. While others are the epitome of sticks in the mud, only doing the bare minimum. Although attitude is a learned tendency based on our personal nature and nurture factors during upbringing, attitude can also be greatly impacted with effective training. Consider incorporating these useful steps in your workplace to foster a more positive work environment.

Step 1: Defining Company Culture

What is your company’s purpose and values? What matters to you, your team, and your clientele base the most? How can you be a better leader and live up to those values professionally and personally? What effect does productivity have upon your company’s values (are they inline)? How does your company affect society and the environment, and how do your core values demonstrate this? Carefully consider these questions and many more will further assist you and your business encompass the fundamentals by balancing profit, people, and purpose.  You can be certain that the stronger your company culture is, the stronger your team will be in the long run.

Step 2: Proper Onboarding is Key 

We can all agree that first impressions last the longest, so naturally the same applies to a new job. Starting a new career is daunting, everything is new and unknown, and the expectations and pressures start mounting from Day 1. By defining your company culture from the get-go, providing proper training over a designated time frame, placing measurable ongoing goals, and having a supportive team in place who assist each other along the way,  will ensure the success of each new employee and that of your company.

Step 3: Communication is Crucial  

Creating a workspace where communication is open, welcomed, and respectful, guarantees your employees feel safe to share their ideas and thoughts. Nothing is more positive than people who feel empowered to be themselves. This gives way to collaboration and creativity if nurtured properly. How can you foster open communication within your workplace? Check-in with your team regularly on a one-on-one basis has statistically shown to significantly affect an individual’s happiness within a company. Another great way to rally communication amongst team members is by having weekly or monthly brainstorms to encourage participation and fresh ideas from differing perspectives. Keep in mind that communication needs to have a personal aspect, and should not just be work-related. People want to be genuinely heard and cared for as a whole person not just as an employee.

Step 4: Learning is Growth

Learning never ends and at all costs should never slow down either. Yet, as we age we have a tendency to think we already know it all and repeat our experiences as a relic from the past even if there are proven new methods or techniques that foster efficiency. As technology develops exponentially each year, some of us are falling further and further behind. So before you continue scrolling or watching another cat video, ask yourself,  ‘What can I micro-learn about today to improve both my personal and professional life?’

Step 5: Never Underestimate the Power of Fun

With people working remotely, being able to implement fun activities as a team has become limited, but that shouldn’t stop you from arranging ways for you and your team to stay connected and grow while having fun and spreading joy. Some ideas are virtual trivia nights about employees so people can get to know each other better, virtual karaoke sessions to sing your lungs out, company sweepstakes where prizes consist of homemade goodies, food, or wine funded by the whole team, or competitive fundraising in teams. Whatever it is, keep it light, keep it fun, and don’t take anything too seriously. We’re not here for a long time, but hopefully a good time!

So as you spend your days in this new norm, it may be a good idea to do some reflection. What is your work environment like?  How can it be improved? Implementing the steps above will ensure a more positive work culture that will ultimately lead to productivity and exponential success! 

Rhiannon Schmidt

Rhiannon is an instructional designer, writer, editor, and blogger. Her background consists of customer service and administration, specializing in organization, logistics, and event production. She excels most in communication skills, problem-solving, and is very detailed oriented. She believes that passion is purpose and finds the most purpose in learning, self-growth, and being of service to others.

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