Accreditation Standards & E-learning Solutions

Accreditation is a highly sought and respected form of quality control. It places a standard that others recognize and trust.  Generally, the process creates guidelines that must be met and measurable improvements to the person receiving accreditation; while also allowing others to have peace of mind in knowing the accredited person is qualified and verified by a valid third party. Many skilled professions require accreditation to be purchased from a recognized institution in order to receive the most up to date knowledge in order to be employed.

Institutional and programmatic accreditation are the two main forms recognized, although within institutional accreditation there exists two branches as well, regional and national. As a third party institution that measures the quality of education and programs, the public relies upon your verification and acknowledgment, placing significance upon how and what you gauge, and to what degree. But with anything consistency is key. Being able to maintain the same level of quality means even when things are changing rapidly, you must shift quickly to continue implementing programs and maintain esteem. Differentiation carries weight when it is earned and proven through a steady track record. So in this current global climate and pandemic, we are experiencing, how has accreditation been affected?

Many institutions have shut down in response to social distancing, limiting the available programs for continued education and accreditation, placing people’s pursuits and careers on hold. What if your institution had a plan in place, allowing people the opportunity to continue moving forward with their training? For instance, it could mean the difference between having a sufficient amount of trained medical and emergency professionals such as EMTs, firefighters, nurses, medical assistants, and doctors, actively working or not. In a crisis such as the one, we are currently experiencing, this becomes a grave life or death matter. Providing the same training and accreditation services remotely allows people the convenience and ease to be held to the same standards within their profession as before while being able to maintain their own health, as well as the wellness of everyone around them. 

For an individual to perform their skill set, they must be accurately onboarded. This requires organizational policies in place, an established organizational culture, and an understanding of the individual’s role within the organization. For all of this to come together, one of the best practices in place in education and training. Collective understanding of expectations and values breeds interconnection. 

Instructional design provides critical e-learning solutions, skill-focused training, and credit renewal programs tailored specifically to your institutional or programmatic accreditation process. We work directly with you through one-on-one consulting, brainstorms, and routine check-ins to extract your ideas and goals to create engaging learning content. We provide multiple forms of media such as virtual training manuals, filmed and animated videos, focused curriculum, knowledge-based testing, and e-learning games. At Reach You, we purposely strive to provide the best learning experience for all of your needs. We understand everyone has a unique learning style, one size does not fit all, and we cater to unique hands-on approaches to the training process. 

Your accreditation institute does not need to suffer from lowered standards, with our assistance we can help build upon your expectations and create virtual learning processes to take accreditation to the next level. Allow us to transform training, credit renewals, and knowledge focused e-learning for your audience, giving everyone ease while pivoting to life under COVID-19 as smooth a transition as possible. Learning is a lifelong process that doesn’t need to slow down or come to a grinding halt because of circumstances out of our control. To continue evolving we must have a growth mindset even during unfavorable times. Reach out to us today!

Rhiannon Schmidt

Rhiannon is an instructional designer, writer, editor, and blogger. Her background consists of customer service and administration, specializing in organization, logistics, and event production. She excels most in communication skills, problem-solving, and is very detailed oriented. She believes that passion is purpose and finds the most purpose in learning, self-growth, and being of service to others.

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